Participatory and Interactive facilitation for meetings, workshops, seminars and conferences:
A group of professional facilitators and activists in different fields who seeks to provide facilitation for change and it will connect them to each other. “Steps” provides interactive and participatory facilitation, which enables participants with different skills such as: critical thinking, interactive participation, reflecting difference, group work, participatory planning and initiatives for change.
Participatory focused research: A group of professionals and experts in different fields implements focused research on community issues aiming at helping in generating new ideas and concepts for development programs, projects and initiatives and producing training materials and curriculums.This group will work on deepening research on community projects based on appreciative inquiry approach, human rights approach and using participatory tools.
Measuring impact and developing quality assurance:
Developing criteria for measuring impact and quality assuring the implementation of projects by different organizations, municipalities, youth groups and parties.
Developing training materials and curriculums:
Steps will work on developing training and educational tools, curriculums and materials based on community needs and priorities for change.
Consultation Support:
Steps will provide consultation services for organizations, associations, local councils, civic groups and parties from different fields and sectors.
Building and Incubation CSOs:
Providing organizational building trainings for groups and newly established CSOs
Providing trainings on strategically thinking & planning, gender mainstreaming, good governance, finance, structure, organization, conflict management and team building.
Incubating newly established CSOs and groups and helping them to manage their programs, finance and administrative issues.